Wednesday 26 September 2007

Crocodile Dundee

After spending a year downunder, a mate of mine had his leaving bash at a nice restaurant, where the food was good, but the drink was better. After some time the 'hardcore drinkers' were ready to move on, and let the family faithful make their way home. The crew moved onto a late night bar called Joes Garage. The interior looked about as good as a garage, with bits missing, but they had beer on tap and a dance floor, complete with podiums, which is important for later.
At about 1am the joint was rockin, although not particularly busy. The leaving do crowd were the main attraction, and the 'leaver' had been fed free drinks all night, and was suitably a little bit wrecked. The dance floor was not especially crowded, although the crowd, (especially the male members) had noticed that a girl was up and dancing to DJ Sammy's version of Heaven. This information is pointless, but it exists, deal with it. There was much consultation however about the sexual orientation of the 'girl', and people were in fact questioning that it may actually be a well turned out fella. She appeared to have big hands.
What to do? Well, the guy that was leaving the country the next day knew exactly what to do. He abandoned the group with the words, "Have you lot seen Crocodile Dundee?" He swivelled round towards the podium, the rest of the group still trying to decide the sex of the dancer. He placed himself in front of the 'girl', he smiled, and 'she' smiled back. He then lent delicately forward, placed his beer on the podium and stood in front of her. "What's he doing?"....we all thought. Then he swung his arm back and brought it down, crunching her nether regions in his sweaty beer festing claw, Mick Dundee style. He clung on for a good 2 seconds before being slapped by the 'girl', on his cheek. He turned to the group, looking ever more drunk, and shouted, "It's ok fellas, it's a chick!!"
Absolute raucous laughter broke out as he descended the podium to the most shocked girl in the bar. He came back to the group, but was quickly tapped on the shoulder by the bouncer. Fearing an early exit, he turned to confront the darkly attired gentleman. The bouncer leaned in and said......."I'm glad you cleared that up, we've been wondering for ages", and he went on his merry way. Genius.

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