Friday 14 September 2007

Toilet Destruction

After basking to redness in the equatorial asian sun, myself and two fellow comrades decided to go for a mexican. How very asian! Anyway, we were given a table and thrown magaritas until we were ready to order. About 20 minutes later, we were ready, although not before one friend had to dash to the toilet as he announced he had an a*** like a Japanese flag. (Feel free to ask for a resume of terms). We ordered for him in his absence, and 10 minutes later he returned to the table walking like John Wayne after a grand national on a buffalo. He sat in pain, but laughing. Why? We asked. It turns out that he was supposed to use the pedal bin for used paper, although after the drinking he couldn't read, and therefore had managed to block the toilet. He wasn't sure what to do. Never going to miss any holiday snap opportunity, I ventured to the toilet only to immediately find some poor local workman on his hands and knees with a long metal rod. It looked like a scene from Marathon Man. I used the urinal, trying not to laugh out loud, which was tougher than a George Foreman steak. I returned to the table, both of us laughing, and i told the other two about the poor man on his knees. A few minutes later the staff were all laughing and pointing at my mate, as if to say, 'haha, he's the phantom toilet blocker'. Everyone in the joint was laughing now, and our table errupted when the local plumber was called in with his tool kit some 15 mins later. Comedy genius.
Feeling guilty, upon leaving, my mate walked past the lady who served us and gave her a decent tip. And I quote. "Thanks for a lovely meal. Sorry about your toilet".
There is a photo of the sign in the toilet to follow shortly........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You forgot the part where before he entered he said "I am going to destroy this toilet"