Sunday 16 September 2007

The Armchair Kebab

After a local beer festival, it was safe to say that a mate of mine was coming off second best courtesy of a brew named 'skull splitter'. Anyway, whilst festering in an armchair, he decided he needed a kebab, but would not leave the chair. Nobody was keen to go for him, so another highly sober person suggested we take him to the kebab the armchair. Thus ensued a crew of four pushing him to the local kebab joint. We got the chair in and he ordered, much to the amusement of onlookers. It was a monumental effort by all, and just before we got him back to the front door he dropped his kebab on the pavement beyond repair. Then followed one of those amazing drinking feats. There was simply no way the chair could fit through the doorway. How we got it out the first time was a miracle of modern science.

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