Wednesday 26 September 2007

The Fake Accent

A few years ago I went into town with an Australian mate, who looked and sounded 100% authentic Aussie. G'day, and all that cackle. Anyway, we hit some bars, had a few drinks and thought it was time we tried our luck with some women. Before we embarked, I decided to put on an Irish accent, as I was feeling just drunk enough to try something both new, and completely random. I was backing my Irish, which by all accounts is passable, although I have only tried it on people the wrong side of alcohol.
We nicked our way into their conversation, two women, two men, it was as if it had been written by Moses. Things were going along fine for some time, they were believing the accent, or at least playing along, and it didn't bother them. Drinks were flowing, everything rosy, until about an hour later, when the aussie went to the toilet. When he was out of sight, the girl he was talking to grabbed me and said, "You are obviously Irish, but why is that bumbling idiot pretending to be Australian??"
I thought this was brilliant, told my mate when he came back and he got annoyed, more with them than with me. The Irish has made many appearances since and only been shot down once, upon approaching a girl from Ireland. It was always gonna happen........

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